Redes autônomas de miniestações baseadas em sensores SMART


O dispositivo Cairnet® é uma estação de monitoramento da qualidade do ar totalmente independente que pode conter até 6 microssensores Cairsens® dentro de um invólucro à prova d’água; Os dados são adquiridos em tempo real e posteriormente transmitidos pela rede via comunicação celular.

Graças ao seu coletor integrado, que permite amostragem dinâmica, as medições são precisas e confiáveis. Os sensores são protegidos da umidade e do ar ambiente corrosivo, bem como dos agentes atmosféricos.
Compacto, facilmente instalável e autónomo graças aos seus painéis solares e baterias fornecidas, Cairnet® permite-lhe controlar economicamente poeiras e gases, fornecendo uma imagem completa do impacto ambiental das suas instalações.
Oferecendo flexibilidade sem precedentes, a configuração proposta oferece medições precisas e dinâmicas da qualidade do ar.

“40 anos de experiência na área de monitoramento ambiental também graças aos microssensores”

  • Measurement of environmental parameters: temperature, relative humidity and pressure
  • Plug & Play Network: automatic pairing (Cairsens® / Cairnet® / Caircloud®)
  • Dynamic sampling and improved protection against moist and/or corrosive environments
  • Optional: Ultrasonic anemometer to measure wind direction and speed. Autonomous
    thanks to its integrated solar panel and battery
  • Automated data saving (micro SD card) and push : no consequence in case of lost
    communication service
  • Communication frequency and measured data volume adapted automatically to the
    autonomy of the station
  • Very high sensitivity to capture low level gas and particulate concentrations
  • Modular, easy to use and move on-site: no cables
  • Cairnet® requires only annual maintenance: when sensors should be renewed
  • Operating cost savings: process adjustment & Improvement of local communication
    (neighbors & authorities)
  • Possibility to set up hybrid AQMS networks (reference stations & mini-stations)
Independent reviewers, including the European JRC (Joint Research Council) and the US-EPA, have determined the accuracy, linearity, limits of detection and precision of Cairsens® as very good when compared with reference devices. Further studies with NASA have shown very good agreement with reference measurements.
  • Odor monitoring: WWTP, recycling, pulp and paper manufacturing, sewerage treatment facilities, refineries
  • Indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring: smart cities, road-side & tunnels, schools, airports, ship terminals…
  • Process leak detection and monitoring of fugitive emissions: quarries, storage facilities, mines, manufacturing plants
  • Forecasting of industrial fence line emissions
  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Health and safety: mines, industrial sites, construction
  • Mapping and modelling pollution sources
    Every Cairnet measurement point consists of:

  • Solar panel and its battery
  • Wireless communication module
  • Weather protection enclosure including up to 6 Cairsens miniature sensors, each measuring one or two pollutants. The sensors are to be selected from the list, function of your specific requirements.
  • Optional: ultrasonic anemometer. If this option is selected, it replaces a Cairsens® sensor
Measurable parameters
Pollutant Range
Certified detection
limit (ppb)*
NO2 0-250 20 1 A40-0405
O3 / NO2 0-250 20 1 A40-0406
SO2 0-1,000 50 1 A40-0407
CO 0-20,000 50 1 A40-0404
S / CH4S
1 A40-0401
NH3 0-25,000 500 1 A40-0408
nmVOC 0-16,000
1 A40-0409
PM10/PM2.5/PM1 0-1,000 µg/m3 <5 µg/m3 0.01 µg/m3 A40-0414
*They are delivered with a calibration certificate.
Technical specifications
Power supply 8 to 30 V DC / 2.5 A or battery (included)
Battery included 3.7 V – 22 Ah, Li-Ion rechargeable on 18VDC / 2A or via solar pannels (option)
Solar Panels Kit (option) 27 Watts. Mounting bracket included
Control & Data Treatment Board Internal microprocessor for data acquisition, power and communication managment etc.
Embedded Real-Time-Clock (auto-adjusted at every communication)
Wireless communication Cellular technology LTE – 3G / 4G or more (SIM card optional for European countries, not
provided for other countries)
Regulatory compliance: R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC, Japan JRF/JPA – FCC – IC
Data storage • Internal storage on micro SD card of all data in case of loss of cellular communication
• Cairsens® internal memory
Mounting Fixation kit for pole (⌀50 mm max ) included.
Dimensions of the Cairnet® housing with fixation kit & antenna 300 x 215 x 257 mm (L x H x W)
Dimensions of the solar Panels with its fixation kit 800 x 410 x 100 mm (L x H x W)
Weight of the Cairnet® housing 4 Kg
Weight of the Solar Panels kit 4.9 Kg
Environmental using conditions -20°C to +50°C / RH 10% to 90%
Option: ultrasonic anemometer
(article code A40-0220)
Wind speed:
• Range: 1 – 40 m/s
• Sensitivity: 0.13 m/s
Wind direction:
• Range: 0 – 359°
• Sensitivity: +/- 1.5°
• Battery 600mA / 3.2 mV rechargeable via solar panel (integrated)
• Autonomy: 7 days
• Weight & size (sensor head + tube): 290 g / ø 64 mm – height 400 mm
• IP67 Rating
Cellular communication characteristics:

  • Technology and frequency bands: LTE (1800, 2100, 2600 MHz), WCDMA (800,1700, 2100 MHz), GPRS/Edge (850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz)
  • Regulatory compliance: R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC Japan JRF/JPA – FCC – IC